Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic:
Inuit, Saami, and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka

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Thank you for your interest in this project. The Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic, or SLiCA, was an international joint effort of researchers and indigenous peoples in Northern Alaska, Chukotka, and Greenland to measure and understand living conditions in the Arctic. Surveys of indigenous people were carried out between 2001 and 2006, with ISER researchers conducting interviews in Northern Alaska.

As of September 2019, this site was moved to an archival status. The full website (data and contents) is available for download as a zip file and is approximately 80MB.

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  2. Unzip the contents
  3. Open "index.htm" in a web browser of choice
  4. Enjoy a local and complete copy of the website!